Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What's the worst job you ever held, and why was it so awful?

The worst job I have ever was when I worked at an IT project manager for a mid-sized company in Wichita. Working there was like being transported back in the 1950s.

Shortly after I started, I found out that a report went out of anyone who checked in after 8AM. I was running a few minutes late one morning due to a dead battery. I called my supervisor who warned me to be half an hour late so that I would not get written up for tardiness. Apparently, anything after half an hour was seen as something that was probably excused and so not investigated. If I had known they were prone to such tight-assed nonsense I never would have accepted the offer.

I also had a rather heated debate a lunch one day with coworkers (actually, it was rather one-sided because I refused to argue with them) over Anna-Nicole Smith. Apparently, everyone at the company hated her because the President/Owner did. He hated her because her deceased husband had been a friend of his family and he felt Anna-Nicole was a gold-digger.

J. Howard Marshall looked like death on a stick when they married. If Anna-Nicole let that withered old man touch her then not only does she deserve every dime, but she also deserves an Academy Award. After all, I have seen her speak and watched her in motion. I am pretty damn sure that J. Howard Marshall did not marry Anna-Nicole for her sparkling wit and scintillating personality.

Any way, I stated my case along with the fact that wealthy old men can avoid gold-diggers by marrying women their own age, but my coworkers were having none of it. Apparently, the President/Owner of the company felt a certain way and so everyone else must too. Whatever. I have my own opinions.

Not surprisingly, my first performance evaluation went rather poorly. When I protested, I was called into the office by my bosses’ boss and told it was not my place to question the opinion of my betters (exact words). I mentally checked out that second and handed in my resignation a few months later.

Every once in a while, one of them tries to connect with me on Facebook or LinkedIn. I always refuse.

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